Saturday, January 3, 2009

This is to my sister, Becki...


When we were super little I had the hardest time keeping up with you! Mercy, from day one you had a social calendar! You kept us all on our toes. You were the guardian of all that was fair and equal. It worked out the best when you saw that something was going to be in your favor. Even then you were working your odds...planning your defense...making an attack, especially when we were unaware!

Then, we got a little older. and I clashed as teenagers. Not because there was a lack of love. We were just normal teenaged girls living in the same house...same's a stinking miracle that no one was killed! ;o)

You and I had the most embarrassing habit of getting tickled at the WORST times!! I don't know what it is - there are not many people that can merely look at me and have me on the floor in tears and fits of laughter!! And, then there is the protective side to you. Anyone who knows you has experienced this one! You will go down fast and fight hard for the ones you love. At the same time, you are one of the most kind and generous people I know. I have heard many people say about you that you would give a stranger the shirt off your back.

You were one of the people in my life that I loved first. I learned a lot about love from you. As we got older I learned a lot about life from you. As an adult, you are one of my closest and best of friends. I love you because you are my sister, but I also love who you are. I love so much about you! When you were in that car accident, Beck, I learned quick how precious you are to me. I watched that car roll and could not function with fear that you would not walk away alive. When I saw you walk away from the wreckage it was a turning point for me...I hope that you don't go many days in your life without knowing and being reminded of how much I love you!

You are precious to me, sweet sister!

All my love,
The Oldest